Actress Yashmeera Jan Age, Height, Biography, Husband-Drama List

Become lucky due to her parents because Yashmeera Jan’s parents belong to the Drama industry. So when she grew up and wanted to become an actress her parents supported her a lot as you can also see in the below image of Yashmeera Jan with family members. But she is also very talented and at the same time she is pretty also. In the Pakistani Drama industry, Yashmeera Jan gained multiple opportunities and she never missed any single opportunity which is related to acting or modeling.

When People Start Knowing Yashmeera Jan?

People started knowing her when she was featured in many TV Shows and the main show that grabbed success for Yashmeera Jan is Khudsar. Hope you already watched the Drama Khudsar which cast many successful and senior Celebrities. Khudsar also cast your favorite actress Yashmeera Jan but she is always cast in a supporting role in the future maybe she feature in a main lead role let’s see what happens in the future.

Yashmeera Jan
Yashmeera Jan

About her early life, she was also very clear about what she wanted to achieve in the future and she also talked about her past and future goals. The early life of Yashmeera Jan is also very simple she completed her education and suddenly joined the Drama industry. She got many chances and she did her best always trying to make her parents proud.

Showbiz Career-Start to Success

Her Journey is also full of success and whenever she features in any Drama Pakistani people really like her and also her acting. Currently, she is featured in a TV Show named Ghair and her role is negative because she wants to marry the heroine’s husband. To achieve him she is doing everything possible but still, she is empty-handed in Drama Ghair let’s see what happens next.

She started her career with her successful father yes her father is also a Pakistani Drama Actor. The more info is that she completed her First Drama with her real father and the drama’s name is Hum Sab Ajeeb Se Hain. The Drama hum sab ajeeb se hain became lucky for her and she gets three more roles in this career.

Shazeal Shoukat Age

TV Shows by Yashmeera Jan-Drama List

Pakistani Drama Star plays many successful roles in many TV Shows yes we are discussing Yashmeera Jan. Looking for the old, New, Hit, Latest, and Upcoming shows of Yashmeera Jan for the below points is best for you to read also read the rest of article available on this site.

  • Ghair: 2024 is Releasing Date-Doing Supporting Role
  • Kahain Kis Se
  • Hona Tha Payr: Comdey TV Show
  • hum sab ajeeb se hain season 2
  • Khudsar
  • Wehshi

Above all Serials is available on YouTube and you can also wait for her latest show which is in process. Till then you can watch all the above Drama which we share with you.


Amazing Actress Yashmeera Jan was born in Karachi Pakistan and her Nationality is Pakistani. The Date of Birth of Yashmeera Jan is 2 Feb 2003 and the exact Birthplace is Karachi. Her full name or Birth name is Yashmeera Jan but we have no data about her Nickname. She was born in a Muslim Family that’s why her Religion is Islam. Parents Profession is acting so Yashmeera Jan also became the Drama actress. Graduation complete and get the schooling for best Pakistani Institutes.

Family Members-Parents, Husband

Father NameShabbir Jan
MotherFareeda Shabbir
HusbandDr. Raamish Bin Amir
Real NameYashmeera Jan
BrotherAashir Jan
SisterUpdate Soon
BoyfriendRaamish Bin Amir

What is the Real Age of Yashmeera Jan?

The real age of Yashmeera Jan is 21 years old and her Birthday Date is 2 Feb. She also married at the Young age but we have no info related to her children.

Physical Stats

The table shares the Stats of her Body Measurements.

Height of Yashmeera Jan in Feet5 feet 5 inches (165 cm)
Weight55 kg (121 lbs)

TV Actress Anoosheh Rania Khan

How Much She Generate Till 2024-Net Worth, Salary

If you see her background then you have the idea that she is rich already but her acting career changed her life more. The Net Worth of Yashmeera Jan is more than $800K and this number is still increasing.

Social Availability

Yes, you find her social account where she shares behind-the-scenes videos and images.

What is the Husband’s Name of Yashmeera Jan?

Dr. Raamish Bin Amir is her real Husband’s Name.

Name of her Most Hit TV Show?

Ghair is her famous TV Show.

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